A goose is a large water bird similar to a duck but larger, or the meat from this bird.
It looks like this:

The female bird is called a goose and the male bird is called a gander.
Singular: a goose
Plural: geese
A goose also means a silly person.

Goose step - a special way of marching with the legs lifted high and straight (krok defiladowy)
Hitler's soldiers used to do (the) goose step.

To goose - to encourage or cause something or someone to be more active.
A golden goose - something that gives you an advantage, especially a financial advantage (kura znosząca złote jajka)
To kill the goose that lays the golden egg - to destroy something that makes a lot of money for you

a wild-goose chase - a search that is completely unsuccessful and a waste of time because the person or thing being searched for does not exist or is somewhere else: After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realized we were on a wild goose chase. (szukać wiatru w polu)

Goosebumps / goose pimples - small raised areas that appear on the skin because of cold, fear, or excitement (gęsia skórka)
You're cold - look, you've got goosebumps!

to goose - to press or take hold of someone's bottom - INFORMAL (uszczypnąć kogoś w tyłek, gęsi też czasami szczypią)
gooseberry - a small green fruit covered with short hairs, which grows on a bush and has a sour taste: Gooseberries are used for making pies and jam. (agrest)

what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander - said to emphasize that if one person is allowed to do something or to behave in a particular way, then another person must be allowed to do that thing or behave in that way, too (wszyscy są równie ważni, przeciwieństwo polskiego powiedzenia: co wolno wojewodzie...)
not say boo to a goose - informal to be very nervous and easily frightened
one's goose is cooked - one is finished; one has been found out and is in trouble. It's over. His goose is cooked! If I get caught, my goose is cooked. (po ptakach) P.S. Parę dni temu oglądam sobie "Ciemną stronę nauki" (ang. "Dark Matters - Twisted but True"), a tam naukowiec, który został napromieniowany w reakcji łańcuchowej jądra bomby atomowej na łożu śmierci stwierdził: "My goose is totally cooked", co zostało przetłumaczone jako "jestem kompletnie ugotowany". Też dobre tłumaczenie ;)
cook sb's goose - to do something that spoils someone's plans and prevents them from succeeding: Just tell her we can't - that'll cook her goose.
- to damage or ruin someone. I cooked my own goose by not showing up on time. Sally cooked Bob's goose for treating her the way he did.